Slip n Slide Nation – welcome to paradise! We now have 3 dual lane slip n slides w/ pools. We heard you loud and clear! Enjoy….
32ft Dual Lane Tropical Slip n Slide w/ pool

Mini Palm Trees, Dual Lanes, Pool on the Back End = Lots of Water Action! This open top, dual lane slide sprays out some serious water from the hoses that runs in the middle of both inner dividers! Water goes everywhere and the kids won’t go in the house for hours!
Specs: 8ft tall x 32ft long x 8ft wide
Starting at $265 + free delivery (click to order online)
32ft Dual Lane Rainbow Slip n Slide w/ pool

As our dedicated slip n slide nation continues to grow, we are keeping up with demand with this brand new dual lane Rainbow slip n slide w/ pool from Jungle Jumps. We can’t wait to unwrap this one and bring it out to play!
Specs: 8ft tall x 32ft long x 8ft wide
Starting at $265 + free delivery (click to order online)